Aalto Private Equity Club’s 3+1 Interview: Chief Operating Officer at Vaaka Partners

In this series we interview Private Equity and Venture Capital industry professionals. Our interviews follow a simple 3+1 format: the first two questions focus on the interviewee's background, career, and work while the third question focuses on company-related activities. In addition, we ask each interviewee what they would like to say to students interested in Private Equity and Venture Capital.

Name: Anne Lojamo

Current Position: Chief Operating Officer, Vaaka Partners


  • Master of Laws 1999 (University of Turku)

  • Executive MBA 2006 (École nationale des ponts et chaussées)

Career highlights:

  • PMO Lead, NewCo / Finnish Packaging Producer Organization

  • COO, DLA Piper

  • Head of Marketing and Communication, KPMG

  • General Counsel and Legal Counsel, KPMG

  • Risk management and Compliance Senior Manager, KPMG EMA

  • Prosecutor

Other interests and hobbies: Cycling, skiing, running, health technology, reading


How do you have ended in your current position? 

I have a long background in professional services and partner organizations in different roles, both client facing and internal. I have built my experience and skillset through versatile responsibilities ranging from M&A, legal and risk management to knowledge management, communications, and sustainability. I have always had a curious mindset and wanted to learn new things and skills. Developing processes and tools and finding ways to do things smarter have always been my passion. I have often found myself in interpreting discussions between business and support teams helping them to understand each other and find ways to achieve the desired results.

Prior to my current role, I had already several years of experience as COO and I had successfully led various development projects relating to enhancing operational efficiency. When this new opportunity came along last year, I knew that I would have regretted if I had let it pass. I think my versatile background including extensive leadership experience played a role, but the cultural fit was also important for making the final decision. I feel that all my prior roles have provided me with skills and experience that are useful in my current role, which is multifaceted and requires a blend of strategic, operational, financial and leadership skills.


What skills do you need in your daily tasks?

Problem solving and analyzing skills are high on that list, and the capability to drive multiple initiatives simultaneously. Prioritization and execution skills are essential. In addition, I’d like to emphasize the importance of communication.

What kind of roles and tasks PE firms offer in addition to investment professionals? 

PE firms offer a wide range of task some of which are more integral part of investing and others more traditional support function tasks. One can be engaged for example in finance related tasks, such as fund administration, including e.g. capital management and investor reporting, or PE firm’s own financial administration and accounting. Other roles can relate to sustainability, HR and organizational development, communication and events, compliance, procurement or systems and technology. One role can combine tasks from different areas. Where PE firms develop their portfolio companies, they need to develop their own operations as well.

Fund operations and administration is a central function in a PE firm, encompassing a range of services supporting the efficient operation, compliance, and investor reporting. PE firms can have for example procurement, IT or HR specialists who also support portfolio companies. When these functions are effectively managed, investment professionals can focus on their core investment activities and value creation.

What is your message to students interested in the private equity industry?

Be curious and open-minded. It’s always good to have a broad understanding of how businesses are run. While you need to have certain technical skills, developing your collaboration skills is essential. We work closely with our portfolio companies and get to influence in different contexts, e.g. in the boards of our companies, while helping entrepreneurs to grow and mature their business.

In a PE firm, you get to work with bright individuals. I consider problem solving and analytical skills as common attributes to any role in a PE firm. Internship at a PE firm is a good way to get to know the business and people in the industry.


Check out Vaaka Partners’ website for more information and…

… register to Vaaka Partners’ upcoming excursion!


Aalto Private Equity Club’s 3+1 Interview: Managing Partner of Saari Partners


Level20 - Empowering Diversity in Private Equity and Venture Capital