AaltoPEC - Grand Meet
We are excited to invite you to our last event of the spring - the Grand Meet! The event brings together four top players in the industry: CapMan, Sponsor Capital, Altor, and Bocap.
During the evening, you’ll hear two inspiring panel discussions with some of the top professionals from the industry. You will learn what is it like to make an investment, as well as get valuable insights on what does it take to end up with a career in private equity. We will be serving some delicious antipasti with sparkling wine. Later on, you will also get the chance to mingle with the company representatives and ask them any questions in a relaxed setting.
Registration has closed
Event Details
What AaltoPEC Grand meet with CapMan, Sponsor Capital, Altor and Bocap
When Wed 4th May 2022, 17:00 -
Where Botta, Töölönkatu 3, Helsinki
Dress Code Business casual
Registration The registration starts here on Tuesday, April 19th at 12:00 sharp.
Price Free, registration required
Questions aaltopec@gmail.com