AaltoPEC x CapMan
What a career in Private Equity might look like? Would you like to learn more about Finland’s largest Private Equity company? Join our event at CapMan’s office where you will hear more about various investment teams’ activities and get to know to CapMan’s investment professionals!
At the event, you will be taking part in short workshops with different investment teams where CapMan’s professionals walk you through an actual Private Equity case and shed light on their day-to-day work. You will learn more about investment strategies of various teams in a low threshold environment and the evening will end with a casual dinner with CapMan’s investment professionals. At the event, you will also be the first to know more about CapMan’s upcoming internship positions and other career opportunities.
Event Details
What: AaltoPEC x CapMan
When: 15th of March 2022, 16:30-
Where: CapMan’s Office, Ludviginkatu 4
Dress Code: Business casual
Price: Cancellation Fee: 5€
(will be collected only if you haven’t canceled your participation to the contact person before 11th of March at 11am)
Vice-Chair Elias Järventaus
elias.jarventaus@aalto.fi + 358 50 325 6766